Counterparty Due-Diligence Service
As a consequence of the global financial crisis, regulators no longer consider the sole use of independent credit ratings as sufficient due-diligence when monitoring financial counterparties.
Regulated entities require to be able to evidence to their national regulators that they have in place a documented review process which includes the evaluation of a wide range of information as part of a more onerous due-diligence process.
Our unique counterparty due-diligence service follows a simple to understand, common sense approach that is based on the maxim of “don’t make what you can’t measure”. Key points to note about the service include:
- Use of indicative due-diligence scores to assist understanding
- Ability to compare a ‘universe’ of counterparties against common benchmarks and against each other
- Use of a RAG colour code approach to highlight differences or movements in the various risk categories
- Regular provision of updated management information (MI) reports for compliance monitoring purposes
Get in touch for more details